Aviation & Aerospace

VTMAE, INC./ST Engineering Aerospace MRO Hangar

City of Pensacola
Preconstruction, Project/Program Management

The expansion of aerospace company VT MAE to Pensacola brought hundreds of jobs to the city of Pensacola and a towering, 80-foot-tall hangar to the skyline of Pensacola International Airport.

HPM provided owner representation before, throughout, and following the construction of the double-bay MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul) hangar — which is large enough to accommodate two wide-body aircraft — as well as site work, parking, apron, and taxiways. HPM’s team reviewed cost estimates, construction safety plans, and phasing plans; monitored all construction activities on the ground, including full-time quality control; and reviewed, negotiated, and commented on changes to assist the owner and make the project a success.

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